I am the son of a high school dropout and became the 3rd person in my family to graduate from high school and the first to ever graduate from a four-year university. Due to my father's insistence that education opens doors, I continued that pursuit by earning three master's degrees and a doctoral degree.
Bob Jones University, BA in Social Studies Education
UNC-Greensboro, MA in History
UNC-Greensboro, MSA in Educational Leadership
Western Governor’s University, MBA
Louisiana Baptist University, PhD in Christian Leadership
In the secular realm, I have taught, served as a school administrator, led 2 state charter school programs, opened a brand new school, worked as a corporate leadership director, and am part of the John Maxwell Team (with a DISC certification). In the sacred realm, I have served as an assistant youth pastor, adult Bible teacher, ministry leader, deacon, Leader in Training coordinator, and pro-staff with Ironman Outdoors.
Defined by Moments - that is my life motto and comes from my favorite verse Matthew 5:16. I am to live my life in such a way that others look at me but see my Savior. For that to happen, I have to become the right person by believing right so that my changed heart shapes my behaviors to be more like Christ.
You lead how you live; so if you are not leading how you want, then change your life! Each moment is a precious opportunity and a glorious adventure, so choose to see life through that lens. The biggest lessons you need for each and every day are:
(1) live like there is no tomorrow
(2) lead like there is no tomorrow
(3) love like there is no tomorrow, and
(4) lead like there are many tomorrows.
If you are interested in a possible presentation to your church, men's group, or Bible study, then contact me using the link below..
Psalm 90:12 - “Teach us to define our moments that we may gain wisdom.”