This is one of my favorite pictures from my recent trip to the Outer Banks here in North Carolina.
This is one of my favorite pictures from my recent trip to the Outer Banks here in North Carolina. I stood nearby and took at least 100 photos of wave after wave striking this jetty near the old Cape Hatteras Lighthouse location. Several of these were installed to prevent erosion and, thereby, protect the Cape Hatteras light (until it was moved in 1999).
The jetties have endured so much and continue to do so even now. You can see how this man-made shield has worn. You can imagine the forces it has endured from powerful hurricanes to the daily tidal changes. You can see the spray on this side of the structure after impact. The imagery is evocative!
Looking back on these photos and reflecting on the experience (along with a powerful statement by my father last week) taught me an important life lesson - your satisfaction during the struggle shows your strength. When you become comfortable as life is uncomfortable, you reveal an inner strength. Never forget that the things we most want to get rid of (frustration, discomfort, hard times) are the same ones that produce growth, maturity, and development.
The next time you face a tough time, remember that statement to embrace the storm, endure the struggle, and expand your soul.