If you understand the purpose of disciple-making leadership and have a good process in place, how do you define success? This question is not easy but here are a few thoughts as we turn to OUTCOMES.
If you understand the purpose of disciple-making leadership and have a good process in place, how do you define success? This question is not easy but here are a few thoughts as we turn to OUTCOMES.
Let's go back to some ground we have already covered in Titus 1:5. This young pastor was to put things in order and appoint elders. Then, in Titus 1:6-9, Paul makes a list of characteristics that Titus should look for in these church leaders. Now, I am not going to do any kind of exhaustive study on the list, but here are a few of them for your convenience: modeling devotion to their wife, resisting the ever-present lure of pride, avoiding the loss of their temper, holding firm in the faith, and an ability to teach.
The wonderful OUTCOME of disciple-making leadership is that the student meets these characteristics. If they are living a life where others can see a clear difference from the world and they can share why they are different (e.g. the Gospel changed them), then the church is reproducing individuals that can, in turn, take on someone to teach and develop. Â
One other important aspect is the last line of Titus 1:10 - "also to rebuke those who contradict it [sound doctrine]." When someone passes through disciple-making leadership, they learn the truth and are able to step in to protect it against error. Without this all-important component, the next generation will suffer the consequences. Yes, the OUTCOME of disciple-making leadership, even in a 1 on 1 setting, will affect generations.
Do not miss the fact that everything within disciple-making leadership is others-focused and that approach is counter-cultural. Why? Because most people do not want to expend time, effort, and resources without some financial or societal gain. Making disciples physically and financially offers no benefit to the one expending the effort; however, the spiritual rewards are many as God is glorified through faithful service. Never forget that labor for reward is hollow but living for right is honoring.